Wanderers But Not Lost

Swimming with whale sharks

Holbox island

Holbox is an island in Mexico. The streets that lead from the port of Holbox island to the village center have no asphalt. We feel the burning sun and the rhythm of the Caribbean. We arrange a tour to swim with the whale sharks in the next day. The Holbox island’s beaches are full of pelicans next to the water. We take the first day on the island for a walk around the town and relax on the beach. Sea water is emerald green and is about 29 degrees centigrade. We spent the afternoon reading and spent a beautiful evening watching the sunset with margaritas.

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Next day, we boarded a boat to search for the world’s largest fish, the whale shark. We sailed about an hour and a half. They are massive and had a greater length than the vessel itself. Earlier, we saw no more than a dozen but after the boat stopped they started coming and there must have been over 100. We swam with several whale sharks, and one of them had  5 rays with him. At the end, we were exhausted but completely satisfied. It was one of the best experiences of our lives. The days in Holbox were memorable. Places like that make us travel the world and think that it is worth all the effort we make.

IMG_3316 IMG_0872 IMG_0869 Holbox island

Carla Mota

I am a tirelessly curious portuguese world wanderer and also a travel photographer. My main passion lies in capturing disappearing ancient cultures, human condition and amazing nature wonders, challenging situations. My passion for travel photography has taken me to more than 80 countries which has helped me to create a vast collection of images of people and places from around the world.

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